Thursday, 27 October 2011


Hey all, 
I know it has been a really long time since I wrote something. But today's post is really very special. It's actually a review on a movie I saw and since I have seen it I'm in love with it. Its a bollywood movie called "Mausam" . Mausam means seasons and this movie basically depicts the seasons and various stages of love between a girl and a boy. In this movie the main protagonists are of different backgrounds. This story is about two lovers named Harry and Aayat. 
The first stage:
Harry and Aayat first meet as mere adolescents and they develop feelings for eachother. Harry, a fun filled Punjabi boy of a village in Punjab, starts liking Aayat a Kashmiri girl when she comes to his village.
The second stage:
Due to reasons they separate and after 7 years they meet eachother in Scotland and this is where their liking develops into true and inseparable love. 
The Third Stage:
The stage where they separate again and realize that they love eachother to such an extent that they cannot be separated and cannot live without eachother.
The Fourth Stage:
This is where they finally meet, fighting through odds...

All I can say is that this is destiny...
And I would definitely recommend for you to watch this movie...
The title especially is very beautiful and the depiction of scenes is very beautiful and different. It isn't the same love story but very unique, heart throbbing and a must watch.....

Give it a thought:
Excessiveness of everything leads to nothing but devastation...

Friday, 14 October 2011


Hey all 
EXPRESS YOURSELF !! let the other person know what you think about him/her..if you don't tell the person, the person will only misinterpret and there will be a creation of the person you care, you love and you want to be an important part of the person's life...unless and until you don't tell the person won't know anything because nobody has the power to read EXPRESS YOURSELF AND YOUR EMOTIONS............and gather that COURAGE ! 


Thursday, 13 October 2011

its important....

Hey all, 
Sometimes in life, you have certain relations and those relations can be good, bad, strong, weak, healthy, annoying or everlasting. We humans make mistakes, and we tend to confuse these relations with the above adjectives...what you thought doesn't always turn out to be what you thought. 

Relations are like rubber bands, you keep stretching and one day they will break....stretching here could symbolically represent pushing the other, fighting with the other too much or anything for that matter which is happening excessively and just as smoking is injurious to health, this excessive pushing, fighting, misunderstandings could lead to problems in the relation or even the relation not staying....and it wil reach a dead end....this relation is also applied on friendship...

Give it a thought:
A girl's heart is like glass, you throw small stones from less distance, it doesn't affect the glass, only gives scratches, but if you throw a bigger stone from a distance, then ultimately the glass breaks....

Monday, 10 October 2011


Hey all,
Sometimes you feel happy and then suddenly your mood changes and you start feeling sad and our mood keeps changing....these constant changes are called mood swings and all teens experience this....ever tried to wonder why our mood changes so frequently in the weirdest of situations. Well the answer to this is that every teen reacts differently towards every situation..just like everyone has different thoughts and different ways of expressing yourself.One aspect of our constant changing mood is this:

Dealing with constant change and pressure is part of the answer. Maybe you're starting a new school and not able to see old friends as much. Getting good grades or wanting to be better in sports or other activities can be a concern for many teens. It might feel as though there just isn't enough time to do everything.

there might be various other reasons for this constant changing mood but, the one above is the most obvious and common one. 

To get over depression and sadness here are 5 fantastic ways:
1.Try exercising
2.Try eating chocolate or something that you love eating
3.Try to identify why you are feeling this way and fix it by talking out 
4.Try and express yourself...try writing a story, poem or just your everyday diary with your feelings in it.
5.Try to be optimistic and think positive because only if you think positive you be positive :D

Surabhi :)

Thursday, 6 October 2011


Hey all, 
Accepting something you haven't expected in your wildest dreams is not an easy job..because you never hoped for it to happen in the first place. And its normal, but the challenge is to accept it, it will take time but never the less if it has happened then learn to accept it and move on. Acceptance is the key to most important decisions and acceptance and rejection is a very major and important part of life....and that is called change!

Sometimes, in our lives we experience change and at the teen stage it is quite common to be confused as to what  change is right or wrong, or why that change is happening and if it is happening then is it good or bad ! At times you feel that everything has changed and it is never like it was before, people have changed, you have made new friends and this new environment is completely different compared to what is was before, but I guess its like, as we grow we change , our taste changes, our choices change, our friend circle changes, and moreover our interests change, but that is change is common with everyone and every teen is a part of it and sometimes that change proves to be very useful and helpful. But the question is how to decide whether the change is good or bad and is it right or wrong.... 
After a lot of brainstorming :P... I think the one and only way to identify it, firstly you need to identify the change in yourself and your environment before you can decide if the change is good or bad.
After you have decided and identified the change then just TRY and imagine your life, before that change came into being...............and after you have imagined your life without the change, TRY and imagine your life with that change. 
After imagining both....try and analyse....think whether your life with the change was better or without the change is better and you will automatically know whether the change is good or bad...
TRY it out 
It will work....


Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Figuring Yourself Out...

Hey all,
I know 2 posts a day but I really feel like writing today and I also have a holiday and I haven't really talked to any of my friends since everyone is so I thought I should write..
Have you ever had trouble figuring yourself out? Well, if you are a teen then I am sure you must be going through this just like me or any ordinary teenager :P
And it may just seem so irritating and boring and you may feel helpless but hey all you teens, it happens with every other teen and truth to be told me too! Figuring yourself out could be what you like or what you want or what you should like or whom do you like...and today I will try and answer as to how we all are going to do this.
To figure out what you like to do, try doing something which is extremely common for today's teens, which is filling in a slam book, or answering just some basic questions on your personality, for eg:
What is your favourite colour, what do you like to eat, what is you favourite hobby, what do you like to do in your free time, who is you favourite actor/actress or what is your favourite sport, who are your best friends who is your favourite subject, who is your bestestestest friend forever i.e., the one you never want to lose and to make it more fun take out pics and make a collage and keep it as your wallpaper for few days
well, these are only some basic question there are many more to go...
To figure out what you want, first see what you like and from that what do you really have and what all do you thing is missing? that's one of the best ways...
To figure out what you should like, you should really know how to differentiate between what is right and what is wrong and that is when you decide what you do next...
To decide whom you like, well no one can decide that because as I said earlier no one can control feelings, be it theirs or others and one thing I can definitely tell you with full confidence that you must have a very strong and trustworthy friendship with that person and if you are confused about this then ask one of your friends to notice your behaviour in front of that person you think you like and you will soon get a confirmation if your friend says you are not you in front of the person.

Figuring yourself out is not something that happens in a click, it will take time but for you to know yourself you should start now because the sooner you begin the more you will explore...
And if you still persist any queries then you can just e-mail me at or just comment and to keep your privacy, change your name and don't worry I won't tell anyone :P

I wanted to just say something, I also haven't fully figured out myself and I am still trying but all the advice I give works and if it doesn't please let me know..

Decisions part 2

Hey all, 
Yup, today's topic is decisions..I know what you are thinking that I have already written a long and lengthy post on decisions but this post is just another sequel. Firstly I want all those of you who like happy ending movies and love love stories to watch the movie "a cinderella story" if you haven't watched it...its an old movie but its definitely a must watch :P and the songs are just superbly fantastic and fabulously amazing.... :P

Yeah, coming back to decisions, my earlier post gave you a good message on decisions and briefed you up well perhaps, but this post is just based on a little more elaboration :P 
Sometimes in life when we make our decisions, whatever decision it may be and whatever kind of decision it may be, we must be sure that those decisions shouldn't be such that they cause you to break your decision. Only promise yourself about making the decisions if you are ready to take on the challenge of carrying them out and that you won't leave them in between. And since we all know that just as one path leads to another path, one decision leads to several other decisions which we might have to take considering the circumstances. So while dealing with an issue and making its decisions you must make sure your decision is right, because it shouldn't be that you made the wrong choice and because of that one choice you made, you have to suffer all your life. The solution to stop this from happening is that before taking a decision make sure that what you are doing is right and if you want you could consult your parents or your "true" best friends because they would never want what is wrong for me !
Taking decisions for someone, is not something I would recommend because, every person should know what is best for them and unless a person makes mistakes a person can never learn...but those mistakes shouldn't cause devastation or destruction so this is when you need to take advice.
Taking a decision with someone could also be done provided that someone supports your decision because no one wants to be forced, just like no one wants to get into forced friendship or forced relationship. 
Taking a decision for you which includes people should not really be against the people, it could affect them but it should not harm them, they could probably hurt them but only if the decision is very essential. 
Taking a decision for someone you know, like or love can also be taken again provided that the person is comfortable with your decision and if you want to surprise that person then please go ahead, but try as much as you can to take decisions positively for people and for yourself.....

Tuesday, 4 October 2011


Hey all, 
Sometimes there are things in front of us and we look at them but we don't really see them and they turn out to be exactly what you were finding in the first place. We may not see it at first but when we get clues, or any signs related to what we are trying to find, pointing at something particular that is when you have to realize and believe its true and that is exactly what I have been looking for. Dear friend, that is for you to realize, no one can do that for.The only help you can get is from your friends, if they same the same thing about what you might still not be sure or another help could be signs that you could relate to....that is when you have to realize that THIS IS IT! and all this search has finally come to an end..
This also isn't necessary that it has to be a search, it could only be signs appearing in front of you pointing at something. Or as I have said before you can term them as coincidences but to make yourself sure and believe you call them signs which are actually in fact coincidences in the first place that turn into signs. 
When one person says something, we don't really believe it but when many people say the same thing it actually means something...
So, if are confused about something or someone in best advice to you is talk it out with your friend of the same gender of helps and watch out for the shouldn't be that God has already started giving you signs but you are not seeing them...

Give it a thought:
I have already written one in the article above..its highlighted in white colour :P

Keep thinking, Keep realizing and Keep smiling because remember its never too late to think, realize or smile :D

And also, if you like my posts continue to read them and comment on them, if you do read my blog everyday then please let me know by becoming a member..

Thank You 

Sunday, 2 October 2011

For You

Hey all,
Another poem for someone....for you...

Whenever I think of you I smile,
The distance between us is almost a mile.
You have always made me laugh,
This short poem is on my behalf.
Our friendship was so strong,
Nothing between us ever went wrong.
We sat together in class,
Talking together was our favourite time pass.
You always selected me in your team,
Never let me lower my self esteem.
Drama rehersals were amazing,
And how can I forget playing on that swing.
Everything just completely finished,
And the fault was mine
But it was unavoidable for me
I couldn't help it, I had to go..
I never forgot you because you never forgot me,
And after so many years now,
I don't know where you are,
But i'm sure you're the bright-shiny star

Surabhi :)

Saturday, 1 October 2011


Hey all,
Yes, today's topic is jealousy...well I am sure that we all have felt jealous in our life once at least....ever wondered why you feel jealous? simple words we feel jealous because we don't get what others get or we see what we don't want to see..happens right in front of our eyes, someone you strongly dislike...jealousy can actually be positive and negative but this is what you have to decide, which is positive and which is negative..consequences of jealousy could be anger, frustration, irritation but there is a major difference between jealousy and envy....and as you all know, jealousy is also associated with the colour green. but green isn't a bad colour...:P try to be positively jealous and even if you are negatively jealous then just think about it this way...that person may be better at you in something but you may be better at something else at which that person is not..and if you really want to be better at that thing then improve yourself but don't change yourself, because i have now understood that everyone is unique and improving yourself is a good thing but not changing yourself, because you are what you are....jealousy can also be related to possessiveness..

Give it a thought:
Jealousy is a very strong emotion, so try and stay away from it but not being jealous is also not a good be positively jealous...