Tuesday, 13 September 2011


Hey all,
Yes, today's topic is dreams..We all dream, mostly people dream at night but people daydream also. :P But on a serious note, I read somewhere that every night we get about 200 dreams out of which we only remember 2 or 3. But why do we dream? This question has always fascinated me. But firstly what are dreams? A dream is something like a story which we see every night in our head, It may be according to our wishes or against our wishes but no one can control their dreams...Our dreams are mostly linked to what is present in our subconscious mind. But sometimes it is what we fear most that occurs in our mind and comes in the form of a dream. A fearful dream is also called a nightmare which we may get and sometimes what we don't expect in our wildest imaginations comes in the form of a dream we give that dream the name of nightmare.....So all you out there don't forget to dream even of you get nightmares, they still balance your mind and sometimes actually give you a beautiful message...

Give it a thought :
When you feel differently for someone, don't take too long to react, because the longer it takes the more agitated you get...

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